

New South Wales Association of Chinese Medicine (FCMA NSW Branch)

Seminar Code


Seminar topics

 Evidence-based medicine and case study with the application of TCM


Dr. Chaojun Ma

Seminar time

May 15, 2021 (Saturday) evening 7:00 – 10:00PM

Seminar Method

Zoom Meeting


3 Hours 3CPD

Seminar Fee and Registration

  1. NSW Member ( full payment for the year) Free.
    Please log in to register: www.nswacm.com.au
  2. FCMA members from other states. The member is registered on the website and pays the fee of $30. (The user’s name should be the four-digital number of FCMA). NSW Association of Chinese Medicine will issue a certificate.
  3. Non-member $60
    Please visit https://www.nswacm.com.au , then register and pay the fee. Alternatively, using the https://www.nswacm.com.au/en/registerRegister as a website member and then log in and pay fee to register for the seminar.

IT Enquiry:

Dr. Xuefeng Wang 0432470156

Seminar Enquiry

Daniel Deng 0431800200


Event Date May 15, 2021 7:00 pm
Event End Date May 15, 2021 10:00 pm
Registration Start Date May 3, 2021
Cut Off Date May 15, 2021 8:00 pm
Individual Price Non-member $60
Speakers Dr.Chaojun Ma(馬朝軍)
Topic Evidence-based medicine and case study with the application of TCM
主题 循證醫學證據與中醫個案實踐的應用。
CPD Points 3
Number of hours 3

Please login to register for this event


New South Wales Association of Chinese Medicine (FCMA NSW Branch)

Seminar Code


Seminar topics

Imaging interpretation of common spinal diseases


Dr. Yaohua Huang

Seminar time

April 17, 2021 (Saturday) evening 7:00 – 10:00PM

Seminar Method

Zoom Meeting


3 Hours 3CPD

Seminar Fee and Registration

  1. NSW Member ( full payment for the year) Free.
    Please login to register: www.nswacm.com.au
  2. FCMA members from other state. The member is registered on the website and pays the fee of $30. (The user’s name should be the four-digital number of FCMA). NSW Association of Chinese Medicine will issue a certificate.
  3. Non-member $60
    Please visit https://www.nswacm.com.au , then register and pay the fee. Alternatively, using the https://www.nswacm.com.au/en/registerRegister as a website member and then login and pay fee to register for seminar.

IT Enquiry:

Dr. Xuefeng Wang 0432470156

Seminar Enquiry

Daniel Deng 0431800200


Event Date April 17, 2021 7:00 pm
Event End Date April 17, 2021 10:00 pm
Registration Start Date March 23, 2021
Cut Off Date April 17, 2021 8:00 pm
Individual Price Non-member $60
Speakers Dr. Yaohua Huang (黃耀華主任醫師)
Topic Imaging interpretation of common spinal diseases
主题 常见脊柱疾病的影像学判读
CPD Points 3
Number of hours 3

Please login to register for this event


New South Wales Association of Chinese Medicine (FCMA NSW Branch)


Chinese Medicine Industry Council of Australia Ltd (CMIC).

Seminar Code


Seminar topics

  1. Understanding and compile the latest “Ancillary Billing Standards” from MBP and AHM
  2. Report on the application for the legal use of aconite in 2020 and the application for the inclusion of registered acupuncturists in the national health insurance benefits in 2021
  3. Controversies and Current Status of Hot Issues in Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry
  4. The 15 National Health Practitioner Boards and AHPRA joint statement on COVID-19 vaccination


  1. Dr. Zhan Biao FAN
  2. Dr. Xuming GU
  3. Dr. Anyang MA
  4. Dr. Kevin Chang

Seminar time

6:30–10:30PM, Saturday, March 27th, 2021

Seminar Method

Zoom Meeting


4 Hours 4CPD

Seminar Fee and Registration

  1. NSW Member ( full payment for the year) Free.
    Please login to register: www.nswacm.com.au
  2. FCMA members from other states are welcome to join online. However, NSWACM is not responsible for issuing certificates unless the member is registered by NSWACM approval on the website and pays a fee $30. (The user name should be the four digital number of FCMA)
  3. Non-member $50
    Please visit https://www.nswacm.com.au , then register and pay the fee. Alternatively, using the https://www.nswacm.com.au/en/registerRegister as a website member and then login and pay fee to register for seminar.

IT Enquiry:

Dr. Xuefeng Wang 0432470156

Seminar Enquiry

Daniel Deng 0431800200


Event Date March 27, 2021 6:30 pm
Event End Date March 27, 2021 10:30 pm
Registration Start Date March 23, 2021
Cut Off Date March 27, 2021 8:00 pm
Individual Price Non-member $50
Speakers Dr. Zhan Biao FAN (範展彪博士), Dr. Xuming GU (古旭明博士), Dr. Anyang MA (馬安陽博士), Dr. Kevin Chang
Topic Understanding and compile the latest “Ancillary Billing Standards” from MBP and AHM
主题 解讀最新MBP和AHM治療收據標準和解決辦法演示
Topic Report on the application for the legal use of aconite in 2020 and the application for the inclusion of registered acupuncturists in the national health insurance benefits in 2021
主题 有關2020年申請合法使用製附子和2021年申請將註冊針灸師納入國民醫保福利工作匯
Topic Controversies and Current Status of Hot Issues in Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry
主题 中藥行業熱點問題的爭論和現狀
Topic The 15 National Health Practitioner Boards and AHPRA joint statement on COVID-19 vaccination
主题 衛生行業聯合委員會和AHPRA關於"新冠疫苗"的聲明
CPD Points 4
Number of hours 4

Please login to register for this event

1: Seminar topics: Code:201115

TCM Clinical research and experience din treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Speaker: Dr. Guo Funing

2: Seminar time: 7:00 --10:00PM  15/11/2020  Sunday

3: Seminar Method: Zoom Meeting

4: CPD: 3 Hours 3CPD

5Seminar Fee and Registration:

1/ NSW Member ( full payment for the year) Free.

Please login to register: www.nswacm.com.au

2/ Non NSW FCMA member $30

Please login and pay fee to register: www.nswacm.com.au

3/ Non-member $40

Please login https:// www.nswacm.com.au/en/register.

Register as a website member and pay fee to register for seminar.

6:    Seminar Enquiry:   Daniel Deng 0431800200

7Speaker Introduction:      Dr. Guo Funing

Dr. Guo Funing completed 6 years of western medicine courses and graduated from Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen Medical University In 1967. Later, she studied Chinese medicine at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine for two years. She worked in the affiliated hospitals of two universities for nearly 20 years.

In 1981 and 1985, Dr. Guo Funing received a master's degree in medicine and a doctorate in medicine and was the first clinical Doctor of Medicine cultivated in China. Later, she went to the UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) School of Medicine for post-doctoral research and was a guest of the school Scientist certificate.

In 1987, Dr. Guo came to Australia to visit relatives and stayed behind. She began to teach basic theories and clinical practice courses of Chinese medicine to some Western physicians in Sydney, and joined the Australian Society of Western Medicine Gastroenterology under the recommendation of Prof. Piper, the chairman of the Australian Gastroenterological Society.

In 1988, she established the "Balmain Chinese Herbal Center" and became a practicing TCM physician until now.



       Academic Committee of Australian Chinese Medicine Association

                                                                                        November 2, 2020


Event Date November 15, 2020 7:00 pm
Event End Date November 15, 2020 10:00 pm
Registration Start Date November 6, 2020
Cut Off Date November 15, 2020 8:00 pm
Individual Price Non-member $40
Speakers Dr. Guo Funing
Topic TCM Clinical research and experience din treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
主题 中醫辯證治療腸道易激綜合症(IBS)的臨床研究和經驗
CPD Points 3

Please login to register for this event

Seminar Code


Seminar topics

  1. Update information from CMBA and How to renew Chinese Medicine registration online
  2. How to record CPD and renew FCMA membership annually
  3. Remenber the Infection Prevention & Control Guidelines for Acupuncture Practice


  1. Dr. Charles Xu
  2. Dr. Harry Xie
  3. Dr. Tieguang Gu

Seminar time

6:00PM - 10:00PM 01/11/2020 Sunday

Seminar Method

Zoom Meeting


4 Hours 4CPD

Seminar Fee and Registration

  1. NSW Member ( full payment for the year) Free.
    Please login to register: www.nswacm.com.au
  2. Non NSW FCMA member $30
    Please login and pay fee to register: www.nswacm.com.au
  3. Non-member $40
    Please register to create an account on this website first. https:// www.nswacm.com.au/en/register. After registration, login to register and pay for the seminar

Seminar Enquiry

Daniel Deng 0431800200





Event Date November 1, 2020 6:00 pm
Event End Date November 1, 2020 10:00 pm
Registration Start Date October 16, 2020 2:00 pm
Cut Off Date November 1, 2020 8:30 pm
Individual Price Non-member $40
Speakers Dr. Charles Xu (徐傳毅副秘書長), Dr. Harry Xie (謝敏興副會長), Dr. Tieguang Gu (谷鐵光副會長)
Topic Update information from CMBA and How to renew Chinese Medicine registration online
主题 中醫管理局最新信息及如何網上中醫註冊續期
Topic How to record CPD and renew FCMA membership annually
主题 何解讀填寫CPD和辦理FCMA年度續會
Topic Remenber the Infection Prevention & Control Guidelines for Acupuncture
主题 牢記針灸執業感染防控規範
CPD Points 4
Number of hours 4

Please login to register for this event

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NSW Association of Chinese Medicine Inc.
P.O. Box K636
Haymarket NSW 2000

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