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Time: 7:00 – 10:00PM, Saturday, February 22, 2025
Location: Zoom Meeting
Speakers: Prof. Daniel Deng, Ph.D
Topic 1: New Book Release: "Back To The Roots: Deng's Classical Acupuncture and Pulse Balancing Theory"
Back To The Roots, It is an innovative work that integrates the classical wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the clinical practice of acupuncture. This is a book encapsulating Professor Deng 's extensive knowledge and over 30 years of experience in the field of acupuncture. It shares the methods and systematic insights he employs daily in his work with patients.
The book delves into his perspectives on the correspondence between meridians, acupoints, and the human body's structure, functional with a particular emphasis on his understanding of the intrinsic nature of acupoints and their relationship to human physiology and pathology. It also explores pulse diagnosis with acupuncture, along with an introduction to the clinical applications of some special therapies.
Topic 2: Clinical Application of Deng's Scalp Acupuncture Based on the Neijing "Essence, Qi, and Spirit"
The "Essence, Qi, and Spirit" Deng’s scalp acupuncture, as derived from the Inner Canon, is developed from the profound implications of three special acupoints on the head: Zhengying (GB 17), Chengguang (BL 6), and Chengling (GB 18). These acupoints embody the essence of the human body's "Essence, Qi, and Spirit."
The three treasures of Essence, Qi, and Spirit are located in high parts of the body, and they play the role in regulating these vital aspects, facilitating communication between the internal and external. They have a comprehensive coordinating effect on the body from function, mental to structure.
Time: 6:30 – 10:30PM, Friday, November 22, 2024
Location: Zoom Meeting
1) 2024 Annual Report of NSW Association of Chinese Medicine
Speaker: Dr Kevin Chang, President of NSW Association of Chinese Medicine
2) Introduction to the updated FCMA Website
Speaker: Dr Donna Chew, Secretary of FCMA
3) How to record CPD and renew FCMA membership
Speaker: Dr. Xie Minxing, Vice President of NSW Association of Chinese Medicine.
4) CMBA 2025 annual registration renewal
Speaker: Dr. Xu Chuanyi, Secretary of NSW Association of Chinese Medicine.
Time: 7:00 – 10:00PM, Saturday, October 26, 2024
Location: Zoom Meeting
Speakers: Dr. XianQin QU & Dr. Jon ZHOU
Topic 1: Diagnosis and TCM treatment of ovarian diseases and infertility
Speaker: Dr. XianQin QU
Overview of female reproduction function in TCM.
Key factors in female infertility.
Ovary disorders and assessment.
PCOS & Infertility: diagnosis &TCM treatment
Topic 2: A New Perspective on Tai Chi for Health: Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine Practices with Modern Sports Rehabilitation
Speaker: Dr. Jon ZHOU
Tai Chi has long been recognized for its dual role as a martial art and a therapeutic exercise within Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). Both Tai Chi and TCM share a foundation in the concepts of Qi, blood, and meridians, making Tai Chi an integral practice in both preventive healthcare and rehabilitation.
Tai Chi and other traditional martial arts stem from the same medical concepts found in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine(Huangdi Neijing). This ancient text outlines the flow of Qi and blood through meridians, highlighting how martial arts and medicine utilize the same pathways to restore balance and health.
Tai Chi and Qi Gong are viewed as effective medical interventions within the realm of sports medicine. These practices are not only passive exercises but active therapeutic tools that can be integrated into medical treatment plans to improve overall health outcomes by aligning physical exercise with medical interventions.
Time: 7:00 – 10:00PM, Saturday, September 21, 2024
Location: Zoom Meeting
Speaker: Dr. Sun Jian
Doctor of Medicine, Chief Traditional Chinese Physician, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice Dean of the Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Clinical School of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Deputy Director of the Floating Needle Inheritance and Innovation Research Center of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine.
Dr. Sun studied under several renowned Chinese medicine experts, including Professor Shan Qiuhua, a national master of Chinese medicine; Professor Xu Nenggui, a Qihuang Scholar and Chief Scientist of the 973 Program; Professor Fu Wenbin, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Guangdong Province; Professor Fu Zhonghua, the inventor of Floating Needle Therapy; and Professor Xu Jiadong, the founder of classical Jingfang (classic formulas).
活動時間: 2024 年 9 月 8 日(星期日)農曆八月初六晚上 7--10 點
活動地點: 華埠八樂居海鮮酒家
Market City Level 3, 9-13 Hay St. Haymarket. NSW 2000. Tel:9282 9988
(駕車參加聯歡活動人員可在 Market City Car Park.享受泊車優惠)
聯歡晚宴菜單 :
錦秀前程大拼盤 上湯燴龍蝦(麵底)
蜜汁鎮江焗肉骨 黑椒蘭花牛仔粒
荷蘭豆炒鮮蝦球 金牌密製貴妃雞
名廚乾燒四季豆 薑蔥清蒸大明曹
(每席送 -- 精美果盆、合時甜品、美點雙輝、飲料兩渣。學會另備紅酒、月餅。)
(一)2024 年 8 月 31 日前(早鸟)預訂,每席大特價$840 (每席 12 位), 散座特價每位$70 (兒童/素食同價);
(二)2024 年 9 月 1 日或之后訂座,每席$1020(每席 12位),散座每位$85(兒童/素食同價)。
**凡參加本次活動的會員(清繳會費)可以獲得非專業(professional issue)學分 2 小時(CPD points 2 Hours)
參加活動交費查詢電話:0407 943 996 範展彪醫生
參加活動訂座查詢電話 : (02) 95851303 黃莉莉醫生(周三休息)
Speaker: Dr. Yutao Shan
The basal body temperature (BBT) method — a fertility awarenessbased method — is a type of natural family planning. The basal body temperature is your temperature when you're fully at rest. Ovulation may cause a slight increase in basal body temperature.
The core principle of TCM for fertility is to restore the balance of Yin Yang and Qi energy in your body. The fertility Chinese Medicine Practitioners will often ask patients to track their BBT. This allows the TCM physician to identify specific imbalances at different stages of your menstrual cycle.
Speaker: Dr. Jihong Wang
Doctor of Medicine, chief physician, master's tutor, subject leader, director of ophthalmology department of Jiangnan University Hospital, member of Ophthalmology Committee of Chinese Physicians Associationof Integrative Medicine, irector of Ophthalmology Committee of World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, member of Ophthalmology Branch of Jiangsu Provincial Physicians Association, and many more rols...Dr Wang has been to New South Wales College of Optometry in Australia and Kassel Eye Center in Germany as a visiting scholar.
The Spiritual Pivot - The Great Confusion Theory: "the essence of the five viscera and six bowels, are injected into the eye as the essence.
Spiritual Pivot - Evil Vessel Disease Forms: "Twelve meridians, three hundred and sixty-five channels, their blood and gas are on the face and go to the empty orifices, the essence of the yang qi up to go to the eye as the essence."
(1) Flagship nationally and internationally: TCM at Western Sydney University.
Speakers: Prof. Xiaoshu Zhu & Dr. Kang Wang
(2) 2024 Advertising Law Essential and Practitioner Qualification audit requirement.
Speaker: Dr. Chuanyi Xu
New South Wales Association of Chinese Medicine (FCMA NSW Branch)
Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment of Bronchial Asthma
Zeng LeDr. Ma Jianling
April 7, 2024 (Saturday) evening 7:00 – 10:00 PM (AEDT)
Zoom Meeting(Chinese Only)
3 Hours 3 CPD
Go to to register and pay.
Dr. Xuefeng Wang 0432470156
Dr. Daniel Deng 0416118666
NSW Association of Chinese Medicine Inc.
P.O. Box K636
Haymarket NSW 2000